Shipping & Returns
You can expect your order to be shipped within 1 - 3 business days (usually one) of ordering.
Shipping is charged at a flat rate of $4 per order within New Zealand, or free if you spend over $50.
We can ship internationally at the flat rate of $15 per order - however this is an untracked option currently, and goods are sent at the risk of the customer.
If you have any issues with the shipment of your goods or further questions, please do get in touch on hello@sustainablah.com
If your order arrives damaged or faulty in some way, please contact us asap or within seven days, at hello@sustainablah.com to discuss the return of your goods.
Want to know more about our products? Have a question about your order? Or do you want to stock SustainaBLAH in your store? Fill out our contact form or email hello@sustainablah.com
Lets Talk!
021 274 8102
(but email is preferred!)
Postal Address
PO Box 17004
Auckland 1546