Our homes are filled with easy little ways to take a step towards sustainability. But what exactly should that first step be? Well, we’ve got nine ideas for you.
Here’s a handy list of products you can replace with more sustainable options, broken down into two of the most environmentally-guilty rooms in the house; the kitchen and the bathroom.
- Paper towels
Whenever you have a spill, it’s usually the trusty paper towel to the rescue. But from CO2 emissions to deforestation, the environmental impact of these tiny towels can be big. We suggest replacing them with ‘unpaper towels,’ like these beauties from SustainaBLAH. These washable, reusable towels are super soft and absorbent - doing the same job as paper towels, minus the paper.
- Disposable water bottles
Plastic, disposable water bottles crop up in kitchens everywhere. Which means they crop up in landfills everywhere, too. But you can easily replace them with a more permanent bottle. These stainless steel bottles from S’well come in a range of gorgeous colours and patterns, and will make a pretty and plastic-less addition to your kitchen.

- Plastic produce bags
Reaching for the roll of thin plastic bags in the produce aisle is a major habit. But cutting them out is a simple step in the right direction. Pop your apples, oranges and pears into reusable mesh or net bags instead - like these reusable ones from Kiwi company EcoSaint.
- Gladwrap
Gladwrap is great at keeping our food fresh, but it’s not so great at being a friend to the environment. So phase out your roll of gladwrap by replacing it with reusable beeswax wraps. Beeswax wraps are gaining popularity by the minute. And with a range of cool patterns from companies like Kiwi Wraps and Honeywrap, we’re not surprised.
- Bottled shampoo and conditioner
When de-plastic-ing your home, the shower is an easy place to start. Try replacing your plastic bottles of shampoo and conditioner with low-waste bar alternatives. Like those made by Fair and Square, or Ethique - whose packaging is completely compostable. And made with all-natural ingredients, your hair and skin will be just as grateful as the environment.

- Make-up wipes
If you love make-up as much as we do, you’ll know how quickly all those disposable wipes can add up. We suggest switching to reusable make-up wipes - like these wee beauties from SustainaBLAH. They come in super-cute patterns, and are uber-soft and gentle on your skin. Best of all, you can keep on using them night after night.

- Toilet paper
Toilet paper doesn’t do great things for the environment, but there’s an easy alternative. Bamboo grows at an unbelievable rate of almost a metre a day, so replacing your regular loo roll with a bamboo option could do the earth’s trees a big favour. Kiwi bamboo toilet paper company, Smartass, even has a subscription service to help making the switch even easier.

- Toothbrush
Speaking of bamboo, a bamboo toothbrush is a great option. Not only will it use less plastic, but when you’re done with it, you can remove the bristles and pop the brush itself into your compost bin. Kiwi company Toothcrush offers a great subscription service, or you could try these little guys from Go Bamboo.
- Plastic razors
To help make your shower a plastic-free zone, you can also replace your razor with a SustainaBLAH stainless steel razor. Our eco-friendly razors come in charcoal, silver, and rose gold. They’re made to last, and come along with a replacement blade in compostable and recyclable packaging. Being kind to the environment has never felt so good.
Doing a little good for the environment can feel like a big commitment, but it doesn’t have to be a massive overnight change. With baby steps like these, you can slowly work towards making your home a little more waste-free.